Eagles over Husky. by Alexander Fitzgerald-Black

Eagles over Husky, The Allied Air Forces in the Sicilian Campaign 14th May to 17th August 1943.

Although I am not old enough to have been there at the time we still have a large number of members who were part of the Italian Campaign many of them have first-hand experience of the operations in, over and on the sea around Sicily during 1943.

This is a well-researched work that details the allied air operations over Sicily it includes a very comprehensive list of the aircraft used by the forces on both sides of the conflict. Added to which are some really interesting aerial photographs and flight maps. Although primarily about the air cover for Operation Husky there are comprehensive details of how these air operations were interacting with the ground operations.

For anyone doing an in-depth study of air operations over Sicily or with an interest in air warfare this is a must have book, laid out in a format that is easy to read and understand. A great read with lots of credits from Alexander’s research work.

Written by Alexander Fitzgerald-Black and published by Helion & Company Limited. ISBN 978-1-912174-94-2

