Canterbury service of remembrance and commemoration, July 2013
July 2013 was 70 years to the day that Allied forces landed in Sicily marking the start of the 10th Italian campaigns. To mark the date, a service was held (as every 10th July) at the Association’s national memorial in Westgate Gardens.

Post service group featuring (inter alia) Frank Horn, East Kent Branch Chairman and The Lord Mayor of Canterbury, Councillor Heather Taylor
Sincere thanks must be given to Frank Horn for planting flowers in the garden, preparing/cleaning the memorial, arranging for provision of PA system and keyboard (together with pianist), printing service sheets and ensuring the Right Worshipful the Lord Mayor of Canterbury, Councillor Heather Taylor, was present! Bill Hornsby led the simple but so meaningful service (which included laying of wreaths, last post and a minute’s silence to honour the fallen and all those veterans who go before us) and The Very Reverend Dr. Michael Chandler (who had been present at the memorial’s unveiling in 1994) delivered a wonderfully eloquent, heartfelt and prayerful address.

Lt Cdr Tony Crisp (bugler), veteran Ted Marks, East Hants standard bearer, and Joe Correa, National standard bearer
It was so encouraging to see so many veteran members and families attending the event this year – considerably more than last year – and in my view, the service was an outstanding success.

Reverend Bill Hornsby, Padre of East Kent Branch, Colonel David Blum OBE, National President and The Very Reverend Dr. Michael Chandler
After the service, 36 people (including the Mayoral party) retired to The Victoria Hotel for a wonderful lunch and some socialising. I was able to talk to two Italy Star veterans who had not been present at the annual reunion in Chichester, so presented them each with an embroidered frame as a memento of this special year marking the landing dates for Allied troops in Europe.
A lovely time was had by all – and at the risk of over doing it, a huge THANK YOU TO FRANK for his valiant efforts!
Mary Tidy
National Chairman.