searching for information on Leslie james Parsler

Welcome to the Italy Star Association 1943-1945 website Forums Lost Trails searching for information on Leslie james Parsler

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    • #18693
      nigel parsler

      I need help , i am researching my grandads records I know his service number 269781

      name -Leslie James Parsler

      but I cannot find any documents online strangely . I have researched other family members and have had results but cannot find anything on my grandad . I know he served in north Africa then went to Italy and i know he was a driver and drove a scammel recovery truck and from stories that he actually towed Monty’s caravan  on an occasion . I have his medals that includes north Africa star and the Italy star . Any info or advice would be greatly received .


      thank you

    • #18696
      Frank de PlantaFrank de Planta


      269781 comes from the batch of numbers allocated to the Royal Army Service Corps so that squares with him being a driver.

      If you go to and, in the Search box type ‘How to I obtain a Service Record’.  Follow the instructions and do not worry about gaps in your information.

      The Service Record is a complete tally of everything he did and everywhere he went during his time in the Army – from enlistment to demobilisation.



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