Operation Husky Sicily ? 44th RTR

Welcome to the Italy Star Association 1943-1945 website Forums Lost Trails Operation Husky Sicily ? 44th RTR

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    • #3735

      Hi i am looking for information regarding my great uncle Horace Johnson, from what we have found he was in the 44th Royal Tank egiment and was a sergeant, he died on 13th august 1943 and is buried in Catania War Cemetery Sicily. My grandad who was his brother was only 14 when his brother died and none of us growing up had any information about Horace apart from he died in the war, we found out where he was buried just before my grandad passed away and it is a trip we are planning to pay our respects and carry out my grandads wish of seeing where his brother is, we got all this information from the CWGC. We dont know how he died if it was in battle or illness and if he had received any medals as there was none. any information or further help would be great thank you

    • #4319
      Ian Murray

      The official War Diary of 44 RTR will tell you what happened on 13 August 1943, although it might not mention Sgt Johnson. It’s in the archives at Kew – here’s the catalogue entry:


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