My late father, Kenneth Kelly, served in the Royal Navy as a coder and was in Italy (with, apparently, at least one visit to Yugoslavia) from the end of June 1943- July 1945. His service record card gives very littel detail and, as, like many other veterans, he hardly spoke about his service, I am trying to piece more information together.
Records gathered from Payment and Victual ledgers state that he was in Naval Party 842 from 29 Jun 1943- 31 Dec 1943. I know he was in Sicily in July as he was spotting for HMS Roberts and Abercrombie from an escarpment overlooking a plain where the Green Howards were battling with a Goering division. Does anyone have any information regarding this naval party? I have looked on a naval website that lists naval parties but unfortunately 842 is not listed. any informtaionwould be gratefully appreciated.
Kath Kelly