Reply To: F G Hart – Lieutenant – 6th Lincolnshire Regiment – Italy Sept 43 – Dec 44

Welcome to the Italy Star Association 1943-1945 website Forums Lost Trails F G Hart – Lieutenant – 6th Lincolnshire Regiment – Italy Sept 43 – Dec 44 Reply To: F G Hart – Lieutenant – 6th Lincolnshire Regiment – Italy Sept 43 – Dec 44

Frank de PlantaFrank de Planta


For more detail your would need the War Diaries.  I recommend that you go to and post a thread asking for the WDs for 6 LINCOLNS.  Some member of the site may well have some or all of them for the battalion and most people happily share what they have.

If I see you on the site, I will post the WDs that I have for Feb 44 and the Monthly Officer Return for Feb 44.



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