Urgent Help Requested By Italian Film Maker / Researcher
We get several requests like this.
If you can, please help Luca.
Robin Hollamby. ISA National Vice-Chairman
I am an Italian documentary filmmaker and international researcher.
I’m currently writing an essay on a Fascist propaganda movie called “Harlem” shot in Rome in which South African prisoners of war (Native Military Corps) were used as extras.
I was wondering if someone of your association found out about this specific chapter of their condition during the captivity in Italy.
I’m trying to find any kind of record about this story and the camp no.122 near Cinecittà (film studios based in Rome) were South African POWs were detained from the Spring 1942 to Spring 1943.
Before “Harlem”, South African POWs were used for another nazi propaganda movie called “Germanin – Bayer 205”, filmed in Cinecittà and Babelsberg in Berlin.
I already have the full list of South African POWs in Italy but, as I told you, I’m interested in finding out if there are memoirs or reports only regarding these POWs detained in the camp no.122 and their experience related to the making of these two propaganda movies.
Thank you.
Luca Martera